Texas Research Ramblers
Genealogical Society

Preserving history in Bryan-College Station and the Brazos Valley

Bible Transcriptions

Tansey Family Bible


Click here for more scanned images & the transcription:

Births - Marriages - Deaths


Bible was found in residence of Wanda Marie Ford Feldman after her death in June, 1995. Her parents were Minnie Mirtle Tansey and Aldis D. Ford (married Feb. 5, 1896). Wanda's parents died when Wanda was young, and she was raised by the Steels's. Wanda married Dean Feldman and until Dean's death they lived on the Feldman homestead farm in Washington Co., IA, outside Kalona, IA. At the time of her death, Wanda was living on the grounds of a nursing home in Kalona.

Wanda and Dean had no children, and her nephews by marriage, Louis Feldman, his brother, and cousin Roger Feldman, my husband, were her heirs. The rest of the family was not interested in keeping the Bible. Since I was doing some genealogy on the Feldman's, it was given to me to do with as desired.

As can be seen by the copy of the binding, the Bible is in extremely fragile condition. The Old Testament title page and first 9 Chapters of Genesis are missing. Luckily, the family pages are between the Old and New Testaments, and there is a second title page for the New Testament. The newspaper article was found separately, but rightfully belongs with the Bible.

Since there is no direct relationship between the Tansey family and the Feldmans, I would like very much to locate someone in the correct Tansey lineage and get the Bible back into that family. Roger is in complete agreement with that interest.

Submitted by Kim & Roger Feldman (current owners of the Tansey Family Bible)


Tansey Bible Spine


Tansey Bible Title Page